(Image credit: Rockstar Games) Diamond Casino Make sure to start your next heist within 48 minutes of ending your last one to have it be set on hard mode and earn a 10% bonus. Most of the time it’s also more profitable to do it solo, and the potential profits per hour dwarf every other money making method in the game. Tip: Unlike other heists, everything can be done solo and in a private lobby. Given its popularity and profitability, there are numerous written and video guides online that can help. From starting the intel to finishing the heist should take around 45 minutes to an hour after a few times trying it-as long as you focus only on what is needed. You’ll need to gather intel on the island, complete some prep missions, and finally do the heist itself. Start an organisation as a VIP or CEO from the SecuroServ option in the interaction menu, then go to your Kosatka and start the heist from the planning board. Afterwards you’ll be able to purchase the Kosatka Submarine.

Method: Go to the Music Locker at the casino and meet with Miguel Madrazo.
In a similar vein, complete the Movie Props and Signal Jammers collectible missions to net $150,000 each.
Start by doing the special scavenger hunts that are available in free mode-Bounty Targets for Maude, the revolver Treasure Hunt and Los Santos Slasher-for a total of $250,00 each.Search the GTA wiki for the names of anything mentioned below to get more info. Despite all these changes the best money making method is still the Cayo Perico heist, so for new players it's all about accumulating the $2.2 million needed to buy the Kosatka submarine that unlocks it.